kids and bikes
Smiling faces


International Christian Centre Mombasa began services as a new church in the city of Mombasa in 2008. The church was planted in the midst of the post election violence that rocked Kenya, Rev. Edward Munene who is the Snr. Pastor was the vision bearer and had come to plant a church only to get caught up in the violence. This however did not stop or slow him down believing and trusting that God who sent Him knew the plan. He says that it was an exciting time with vision spurring them on and a firm faith that lives would be changed in the city of Mombasa. The church held it’s first service at the Royal Castle hotel right in the middle of the city with an attendance of 35 people which included pastors family, those that were helping out as well as the congregants. It was quite the start but it begun to grow.

A year and a half later, the church moved its services from Royal Castle Hotel to KT Plaza on Haile Selassie road. It was a new season; a season to alter two floors of office space into a church hall, washrooms, classes and fellowship areas. Again excitement filled the atmosphere for it was new, those on the team we were able to do things they had previously only dreamt about. Since moving to KT Plaza, ICC Mombasa has grown to be a vibrant church reaching out to the unchurched in Mombasa, making disciples through a very clear systematic discipleship journey and influencing our city through various ministry initiatives.

We currently are hosting all our services online due to the challenges caused by the COVID19 pandemic and our online services are accessible through our Live channel. Click here to access it or you can go to our YouTube Channel or our Facebook page. We also have our service on Raia TV in Kenya which is found on the free to air platforms such as Pang/ Signet and on Zuku Platform.

Our Online services times are 8am, 10am, 12pm, 4pm and 8pm.

We meet for Sunday Services at 9am every Sunday at Mbaraki Sports Club on the Island of Mombasa and our offices are located at KT Plaza, 3rd floor.

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2021-04-24 17.16.46
Senior Pastor
Andy (2)
Anderson Koronge
Associate Pastor 
Hamadi-removebg-preview (2)
hamadi kisato
Associate Pastor 
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peninah ngombo
Music Director
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joan chelangat
Church Accountant
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wanjiku ndungu
Associate Pastor
sheila koronge
Associate Pastor


Our values define us and speak to who we are as a church family. The reason we say that you are welcome to be part of us and it does not matter who you are and where you are coming from is because we value you. We don't look at your past but see you and everyone for what they can become in Christ. Our values help us to distinctively live out our slogan, this is a place to belong.

We Value Genuine Worship

We believe in a lifestyle of worship that exalts the Lordship of Christ.  We strive to remain on the cutting edge of inspiring, training and developing true worshippers. (John 4:23, 24, Psalms 95:6,7)


We believe in the work of the Holy Spirit in all aspects of church life.  We emphasize and encourage the baptism, spontaneity, gifts and fruit of the Spirit in the life of every believer. (Acts 1:8, Galatians 5:22-25, 1 Corinthians 12:7-11)


We believe God’s house is a house of prayer. We rely on individual and corporate prayer in the conception, planning and execution of all that we do. (I Thessalonians - 5:17, Luke 19:45, Matthew 7:7, Matthew 18:19)


We believe that every person is created in the image of God and has unique gifts, and talents to be used for His glory.  We desire to assist each individual to realize their God-given potential regardless of age, race or tribe, social and marital status. (Genesis 1:26-27, Ephesians 2:10)


Our intent is to care for those in our church within the context of small group life. Our ministry teams, though task-oriented, will also function as caring communities. Further, we will identify and cultivate leaders who can thrive in the context of small groups. (Acts 2:46; 12:12; 20:20; Romans 16:3-5)


Eu We believe biblical teaching is the catalyst for transformation in individual lives and in the church.  The word of God is timeless and timely, relevant to the common needs of all people and speaks to the specific issues of contemporary living. (II Timothy 3:16, 17, Hebrew 4:12)